Careful what you wish for (another ash tale)

Sarah shares her frustrations after her flight is cancelled again.

So last night, I was a bit sad the holiday was coming to an end and the excitement of being stranded was fading. We went for our last meal together in Banff to Earls, one of our top eating spots and then stopped off for a nightcap in our hotel to say goodbye to our pal behind the bar.

But then back in the room we picked up Manchester Airport’s tweet that it had shut. We guessed straight away the flight would be cancelled and that suspicion was confirmed this morning by our lovely travel rep.

Oh dear. All hopes of returning home cruelly dashed. No prospect of rescue. Send help …

The novelty of being pampered and privileged refugees has definitely worn off. My husband Lee spent yesterday writing a presentation he was due to give to 200 fund managers next week. He was worried about presenting to such a big audience, now he’s not even sure he’ll make it there! Oh and he’s missing Jim Jones Revue tonight.

Katy, my nineteen-year-old daughter, should be spending this week preparing her portfolio of this year’s work so she can apply for entrance to second year at art college in Dundee. A year’s work is at stake and she needs to get back into the Studio. She’s missing her friends and judging by her chat she has had enough ‘family’ time.

CartoonsDr Pepper and Chunks Ahoy are keeping Joe’s (14) spirits high and missing his first day back at school doesn’t seem to have traumatised him too severely. Of course there’s a party on Friday back in Edinburgh and if that starts to look under threat things may kick off.

The beauty of my work is I can do it from anywhere and so far being away hasn’t affected me. The time lag is an issue but if I get up early and get all my calls done first thing it should be do-able.

The main issue for me is isolation from the office and clients – PR is all about generating ideas and opportunities – picking up on trends and news. Clearly this is not sustainable long term but surely the end is in sight?

What we need now is a big cork to stick in the top of that volcano.

PS – We got a mention in PR Week

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