It’s not all doom & gloom: How businesses can bounce back after GDPR

It’s been just over two weeks since GDPR-fever swept the nation.

Amidst all the jokes and memes that sprung up along the way, for most businesses this was no laughing matter.

Though it was a long time coming, many companies were still dreading the May 25th deadline.

With no magic way to send the perfect GDPR email, businesses tried every marketing trick in the book to keep their subscribers, including, cheesy puns and cliché sentiments.

No matter who you are, big or small, as a business you probably lost quite a few subscribers after May 25th. You’re not alone, however, and it’s far from the end of the world.

Here’s a few ways you can bounce back and boost your subscriber list, post-GDPR:

Avoid complacency

It may be tempting to wash your hands of it all and not think for another moment about GDPR (as if you didn’t groan when you read those 4 letters in the title of this blog).

If you sent out an ‘opt-in’ email that didn’t get the response you hoped for, there’s no reason to despair.

Instead, think about the options open to you and take a proactive approach going forward. 71% of marketers actually consider GDPR to be a ‘creative opportunity’

Rather than mourning the loss of a few subscribers, perhaps it’s time to see what else is out there, how else you might woo the right customers to your business?

Look to other avenues

Have you been making the most of your various social media channels?

Between FacebookTwitterLinkedIn (and Instagram, if you use it), you may still have a large number of your previous mailing list subscribers following you on any number of these.

Try putting out a regular blog or newsletter. You could then add an option to subscribe to the mailing list in these.

Adding links to the end of status updates or in your blogs could do wonders to boost your subscribers. Just make sure your content is up to scratch.

Get to know your audience

Use this experience to really understand what your audience is looking for, and tailor your emails to them.

Maybe your emails need a new, more eye-catching design? It’s a simple fix but one that could make your emails look more appealing and hopefully improve your email open and response rates.

Mailchimp is a lifesaver for many companies, making it simple to create memorable and easy-to-read emails for mailing lists. If you don’t already use it, it’s definitely worth signing up to.

Learn from this (because there will be a next time)

Most importantly, use this experience and learn from it for the next time.

GDPR isn’t a one-off act of compliance, but rather a process that’s still being figured out and will likely be around for years, constantly changing and evolving over time.

By taking this experience and learning from it, you can get ahead of the game and soon become a GDPR pro!

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