Pythagoras made his name with his and Einstein spent more than a decade developing E=MC^2. But this Christmas you can buy a place in mathematical history for your very own genius and name a theorem after them forever.
As a new novelty gift idea , TheoryMine is giving you the chance to name a newly discovered and totally unique mathematical theorem after your loved ones, teachers, friends, pets and even yourself. So if you know someone who dreams of becoming the next Pythagoras but balks at the thought of thousands of hours of academic study, a personalised theorem could be the perfect gift.
TheoryMine generates theories using one of the world’s most advanced computerised theorem provers and your theorem, once proved, stays true forever. Even diamonds will be destroyed in the heat death at the end of the universe, but theorems will survive.
According to mathematical tradition, the author of a theorem is entitled to name it for posterity and for just £15 you can buy your own personal theorem. A certificate of ownership is included in the price.
Flaminia Cavallo, Managing Director of TheoryMine says: “A theorem is a formula that is true always and everywhere. It is a thing of beauty that has always fascinated mathematicians. We need theorems to send satellites around the world and to make buildings stand up. Mathematicians spend months or even years working to prove a theorem but our programme enables us to prove a theorem automatically . Who knows, one day Flaminia’s Theorem might help us understand our world a little better!”
TheoryMine is based on decades of world-class research into automated reasoning and artificial intelligence undertaken at the University of Edinburgh. It uses grammars of theories and theorems to generate candidates, filters out the obviously false and uninteresting ones, then uses automated reasoning to see which of the remainder it can prove.
The reasoning in the proof of the theorem is deductive, so contains no element of probability or uncertainty. Since theorems are abstract objects that are not subject to wear and tear you can promise your loved one that you have bought them a gift that will last forever.
To find out more or to purchase your theorem, visit www.theorymine.co.uk.