My PR Internship: “The Hot Tin Roof Experience” #05

This is the last in the series of posts from our intern Ayah who spent last week with us engrossed in the world of PR. Her previous post can be read here: Day onetwothree and four.

Day Five (18/10/13) my final day…

This morning I reviewed and edited my press release. The feedback I have received has been very encouraging, however, I understand my press release is a little bit too detailed. On a lighter note, I have stuck to the correct structure and understood the client effectively. When writing a press release, you are given the challenge to cover all aspects in as few words as possible – a little tricky, but certainly very interesting to write up.

I also looked at Hot Tin Roof’s social networks and was shown some apps they use to track responses – Hoot Suite and Social Bro. I would recommend everyone to sign up for those website as they are really nifty and valuable applications. I love them so much, in fact, I am even going to start using them when I get home! Joe showed me a lot of tricks that I will definitely be using after my placement.

I am, sadly, finishing this blog. I have had a great time writing it but the time has come for an end. I have loved every minute of this placement and would encourage everyone interested in Public Relations or Journalism to undertake an internship relevant to the field. The last thing you would want to do is leave University as a journalist only to find you hate deadlines or worse, writing! Also, if you’re stuck on finding work experience, why don’t you try volunteering, or even starting your own blog? Employers will be impressed to see you can handle such a commitment and may even start to picture you working in their firm.

To sum everything up, no day in the PR world is the same. There will always be a dozen tasks waiting for you, but if you work at it, there will also always be rewards waiting for you at the end of the day. Whether you make a client happy, write an amazing press release or receive an invite to a company event, there will always be a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Just don’t forget to enjoy your experience and take deep breaths!

Have you experienced an amazing internship you want to share? Leave a comment down below.

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