SocialBro – When You Should Tweet On #blackfriday

SocialBro, the platform for the management, analysis and monetisation of Twitter, has revealed the best times for retailers to tweet their Black Friday deals for maximum return on investment.

By analysing Twitter users that have taken part in the #BlackFriday hashtag to date, SocialBro has projected when the greatest number of these users will be on the network on both the East and West Coast of the US, in the UK and in Western Europe. This information will allow businesses to target their Black Friday offerings via Twitter to the largest potential customer base, increasing the chance of conversion.

The results show that the optimal period to tweet is unique to each time zone. Retailers in California for example should be looking to tweet between 13:00 and 19:00, where as Berliners on CET would do better to tweet between 11:00 and 17:00.

Users of the SocialBro application can break this information down more thoroughly for their specific community. By extracting information such as gender, language spoken and the location of their followers, tweets can be fine tuned and focussed to engage specific community members. Additionally, users can analyse which of their followers are interested in #Blackfriday campaigns and connect with them individually

Last year, the National Retail Federation reported that 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over Black Friday weekend, spending an estimated $59.1 billion1. Twitter recently published statistics revealing that 85% of its users will shop on Black Friday, 60% of which said that Twitter plays an important role in their Black Friday shopping habits2.

Javier Burón, CEO and Co-founder of SocialBro said: “With Twitter influencing a huge number of shoppers, it is essential that retailers are aware of when their customers are online to boost their chances of influencing a sale. Black Friday weekend is amongst the busiest in the retail calendar. Whether you’re a boutique jeweller in small town or a multinational electronics store, knowing when people are online is essential for bringing return on investment of your Twitter activity.”

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