Twitter Budgets Rise As Big Brands Home In On Customer Acquisition

Twitter budgets are on the up and marketers are becoming more conscious about ROI, using their time on Twitter to achieve clear business objectives and generate leads, according to SocialBro.

The survey by the Twitter management platform found that the majority of businesses (57%) are spending at least fifty per cent more on Twitter marketing compared with two years ago, with 15% of respondents stating that their spending has tripled.

SocialBro’s survey also uncovered differences in social media objectives between smaller and bigger businesses. While the majority of SMEs (up to 200 employees) rated brand building as their key reason for using Twitter with lead generation in second place, bigger companies with 500+ employees were much more likely to list acquiring new customers as a top priority along with building relationships with influencers.

Javier Burón, CEO and co-founder of SocialBro, says: “These findings reflect the fact that Twitter has really matured in the last couple of years, introducing new ways of advertising and revamping its design. Companies expect to see hard business benefits and they accept that it is worth investing to deliver a consistent and creative brand experience that achieves measurable return on investment.”

While 74% per cent of respondents said they loved Twitter’s real time communication capability and two thirds commended its potential to spread messages virally, 53% said that their biggest bugbear with social media was its potential to be time intensive.

“A badly managed social media campaign has the potential to be a black hole for time,” warns Burón. “But it doesn’t need to be that way. It is easy to make your Twitter routine more efficient as long as you have structured planning, monitoring and reporting systems in place.”

An advanced Twitter analytics and management platform, SocialBro can help marketers by automating certain Twitter actions, allowing users more time to nurture followers and pursue those aspects of the campaign that really benefit from personal engagement. It also provides actionable data to help businesses optimise and monetise their social media activity.

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