June Splash!

Picture of Roddy Scott

Roddy Scott

Peaches, the Papcup, and clean water tech – June just another average month at HTR. 

As we wrap up another dynamic month at Hot Tin Roof, we’re keen to share the groundbreaking stories that show our commitment to championing progress and illuminating ideas that shape a better future.

Making waves with IF Water

First, we dive into the world of clean water innovation. When IF Water approached us with their revolutionary water purification technology, we knew this was more than just a product launch – it was a solution to a global crisis and a story that needed to be told.


We crafted a compelling narrative around IF Water’s game-changing system, showcasing its potential to provide safe drinking water to millions worldwide. Our strategy? Blend hard-hitting facts with a real-world case study that brings the story to life.


Enter Portsonachan Hotel & Lodges on Scotland’s picturesque west coast. Previously burdened by peated water and exorbitant bottled water costs, the hotel became the perfect showcase for IF Water’s transformative technology.


Armed with a meticulously prepared press release and broadcast-quality footage, we took this story global, and a tidal wave of coverage was the result. Spanning over 175 national and international media outlets, including CNN and Channel News Asia, from the US to Saudi Arabia, Australia to Vietnam, IF Water’s innovation captured the world’s attention.


But the real victory lies in the tangible business inquiries IF Water received from around the globe, bolstering their next funding round and bringing us one step closer to a world where clean water is accessible to all.

Fernando and his peaches

Did you know that approximately 45% of fruits and vegetables produced for human consumption are lost or wasted worldwide every year? Well, to address this, researchers at the National Robotarium and in Spain, and Chile, have produced a smartphone app to count the number of flowers on fruit trees that more accurately predicts crop yields.


So, when the project’s lead researcher, Dr Fernando Auat Cheein, told us that recent trials in Spain were successful, we saw a great opportunity to introduce the world to the game-changing tech.


We believed this was an excellent story with great potential for significant media coverage and our intuition was spot on, as the press association, Spanish News Agency EFE and numerous top-tier publications and specialised websites covered the story. 


Visualising the story for broadcast was challenging because trials were not conducted in the UK, so, we identified its potential for radio and set up interviews for Radio News Hub, Sky News Radio, and BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. The story was an overwhelming success, with circa 400 radio channels carrying it across the UK and Europe. Overall, the news received over 500 pieces of coverage, from Brazil to New Zealand and almost everywhere in between.  However, the crown jewel was a 5-minute interview with Fernando Auat Cheein on BBC World Service’s World Business Report, reaching an audience of over 51 million in 27 countries

Tackling Cancer

Papcup is a game-changing invention that is set to transform cervical cancer screening with its non-invasive approach. 


According to the NHS, one in three women miss their smear tests because they find the process uncomfortable and feel conscious of their bodies. Papcup allows women to test themselves for the cancer-causing HPV strain, taking control of their own health, and getting results in just 15 minutes.


Our client, Venture Builder Incubator, championed Sanziana Foia, Papcup’s inventor, in her mission to secure funding, receive invaluable mentorship, and gain support from highly influential organisations like Cancer Research Horizons.


We took the story as an exclusive to BBC Scotland where it led their bulletins on TV and radio and a detailed package ran on the flagship Reporting Scotland programme. It also featured on the ‘most read’ section of BBC Scotland’s website. 


As we reflect on these three vastly different yet equally impactful projects, we’re reminded of why we do what we do. Whether it’s revolutionising access to clean water or tackling cervical cancer, Hot Tin Roof remains steadfast in our commitment to telling the stories that matter.


We’re not just promoting products; we’re championing progress. And as we look to the future, we’re more determined than ever to bring attention to the ideas and innovations that will shape a better world for all.


Get in touch to find out how we can take your story to the world. 

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